IGBC Green Homes Infographic.
‘Mirror, mirror on the wall’ is a saying that all of us have heard in our childhood days and recited the same at least once in front of this image reflecting object. And now in our adulthood, when we decide to decorate or re-style our homes the same saying is the answer to many of our home décor queries.
Despite fulfilling its core purpose of reflecting images, mirrors also serve as a great decorating piece. It will not only hide any deformity on the wall but will even give it a distinct identity.
There are many advantages of integrating a mirror in your home decor spree. Firstly, they are an affordable solution over expensive art pieces. Secondly, mirror have the ability to create the illusion of space; they can make a small room appear large. Lastly, it creates visual impact and enhances the appeal of the design by manifold.
Factors to consider –
1. Due attention is required on mirror’s shape and size, see that it goes with rest of the setting and doesn’t look out of place.
2. Frame choice; go for a wooden frame if you have a white background or else go for simple ones over colourful decor.
3. Mirrors with pain edges will work well with contemporary setting and one with bevelled edges will complement traditional setup.
4. If you want a classy hint, go for frameless mirrors.
5. Placement plays a significant role in décor, place the mirror where it creates maximum impact on the décor and outshines its reflective quality.
6. In a room with limited light, a mirror across the window will be a great source of light.
7. Always opt for a good quality mirror, see that its thickness is appropriate so that it doesn’t rupture easily.
8. A concave mirror can be installed in bathroom and powder room.
Vastu Tip –
Mirror facing one’s bed (reflecting your body) is not considered auspicious. On the other hand, a mirror placed next to dining table is believed to bring good fortune.
It’s not an everyday affair that we take up restoration work at our houses. So, whenever such activity is planned, one must try and make changes keeping in mind the eco-friendly aspect of the same. Below are mentioned few tips (both modern and traditional) that’ll increase the green quotient of your house.
1. Water Harvesting
Such a change will go a long way especially in drought prone states like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. Whether you live in an independent home or a flat, water harvesting installations can preserve rain water. Also, are available bathroom fittings like motion sensor faucets, low-flow toilet and shower heads that can replace the regular ones to save water.
2. Proper Ventilation and Insulation
The flow of air and penetration of sunlight brings in positivity in a house. Big glass windows are a good solution and also increase rental and resale value of the property. But glass windows hinder the efficiency of cooling and heating system. As a solution, eco-friendly products like recycled cloth-based, plant-based, and cotton garments can be used for insulation.
3. Energy Saving Appliances
Energy saving appliances can cost a little extra than the standard ones, but with their electricity saving ability you will end up saving much more that the additional purchase cost incurred.
4. Air-Conditioner Care
See that the A/C gets regular service, as it will reduce significant load from the machine. Also, when opting for the new ones see that they have high energy saving rating.
5. Plants
Keep both indoor and outdoor plants in your home. While the inner ones will purifier the air, the outer ones will help keep the house cooler.
6. Alternate Source of Power
These days a wide variety of solar cells are available in the market. People living in independent houses can opt for the slightly bigger ones that can be installed on the roof. While for apartment residents options of solar panels that can be mounted on balconies, windows, etc. are available.
Earthquake is one such natural disaster that can happen anywhere, anytime. It doesn’t require any ice covered mountain (as in the case of an avalanche), sea or a lava filled cone that hints towards a potential disaster in the near feature. Only the release of energy in the earth’s crust can lead to this life threatening catastrophe.
Now the big question is – Is your home earthquake resistant? If yes, then are there any other precautions that can further enhance its earthquake fighting strength. Well, there are certain safeguards, adherence to which will enhance the safety of your home and loved ones by manifold.
Earthquake Drills, it may sound a bit eccentric but these drills can prove lifesaver when an earthquake actually strikes. Apart from selecting the safest spot in your home, discuss a meet up location, if in case you lose communication with each other.
Lower Rack Storage Items, always store glasses, bone china and bottled food items on the lower shelves. So, that in the case of a turbulence no one gets injured by falling of these items.
Overhead Fixtures, ensure that ceiling hanging lights and fans are properly anchored.
Flexible Pipes, take a note that all water and gas connection pipes are made out of fixable material. This will ensure high tension taking ability and leak free nature of the pipes during a natural calamity.
Bolt Heavy Objects, items like mirror, refrigerator, water heater, television and shelves should be fastened to the wall to avoid injury from their falling.
6. Take all Repair Work on Priority, call concerned professionals and get all detects repair without any delay.
7. Check the Moisture Content; see that the house or the apartment is anchored strongly to the foundation. Look out for loose soil that may be caused by heavy rain and improper drainage system, as it can cripple the foundation.
Tenancy culture is popular in India, with every other house offering additional residential options for families/students that are looking for one. But with the growth of this wing of housing sector it has been widely noticed that tenants are unaware of their rights and in most cases are dominated by the landlords.
The lease agreement is a piece of paper that defines the boundary of tenant-landlord relationship. Therefore, in the event of any misconduct witnessed on either end, it is this lease document that’ll help bring both parties to justice.
Through this article, we bring into light rights of a tenant and under what circumstances he can say a clear cut ‘NO’ to a claim or conduct of the landlord –
1. No intrusion
After signing the lease agreement, the landlord loses his right to break into the rented property anytime and disturb the peace of the tenant.
In short, every tenant has the right to enjoy peaceful possession without disturbance from anyone including the landlord.
2. Forced Extension
Owner holds no right to force the tenant to continue with the tenancy deal. After giving a valid reason, every tenant has the right to vacate the property.
3. What if the Tenant Dies?
If the tenant dies, it is his lawful heir who after him will continue with the tenancy deal. The landlord does not hold the right to ask the heir of the tenant to vacate without giving a valid reason.
4. Oral Agreement
According to the government of India tenancy laws regime, all agreement exceeding the time frame of twelve months are required to go in writing. So, if the landlord insists on an oral agreement, tell him that you’d rather prefer everything in writing.
5. Passing on the Liabilities
As per law, any expense born on the structural changes or damages are to be fulfilled by the landlord.
6. Deposit Settlement/ Return
Tenant has the right to ask the landlord to settle the rent against the deposit amount during the notice period.
If that is not the case, when the tenant is vacating the property, landlord is under obligation to refund the security amount deposited.
7. Revision in Rent
The landlord can only increase the rent in accordance to the terms agreed upon in the loan agreement. Also, the increase in rent amount should obey the state law proposed formula to calculate hike percentage.
8. Evict the Premises
At no given point of time can the landlord ask the tenant to evict the property. Not only he is required to give the tenant a valid reason but also a reasonable time frame ( 1 month, as per law) to search for an alternative.