Importance of Labour Training

Trimurty Builders are keen believers of employee and labour training and are seen practising the same on a regular basis. Here, we are sharing company’s views on the subject and how it feels that – Creating a Better Workforce Helps Building a Better Company.

It is not always necessary to hire additional employees for the skills or abilities you think are lacking in your current workforce. Many times what we miss noticing is the calibre and high potential of the employees we have, which only requires a bit of polishing to develop and get discovered.

The fact mentioned above holds true not only for people with white collar jobs but is equally applicable to blue collar employees. It is here that management/ human resource department comes into the picture, as these are the people who will search the existing talent and plan on ways to develop it to company’s use. For this system to work properly, it is important that management has complete information (updated on a timely basis) about the employee’s education, experience level, performance standards and ambitions.

But, the big question is that are the direct or long-term benefits of labour training and how is it beneficial for both for the employee and company.

1.  Formation of a motivated and engaged workforce – Adequate and timely training session evolve the feeling of job satisfaction within the employee’s. Which in turn leads to moral boost and higher motivation amongst the workforce.

2. Lower Recruitment Cost – Adding to the existing skill set of the employees rather than investing time and money on hiring new ones is another benefit of labour training.

3. Improvement in Work Quality and Pace – Skilled labour is more efficient in work; he delivers better quality work in minimum time frame.

4.  Lower Employee Turnover and Absenteeism – Training and skill imparting session creates a positive and healthy environment and leads to the reduction in employee turnover and absenteeism.

5.  Help Attract Good Talent – Seeing your efforts in developing existing workforce may attract talented people.

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