Taking care of your well-being with optimum sunlight @ Trimurty’s Ariana

If you think natural light in your house doesn’t make a difference? Think again: here are the unbelievable benefits of adding sunlight to your home! Trimurty, takes a note that each apartments receives optimum sunlight and no one is spared for natures awesome gift.

First, let’s take a look at the health benefits of basking in your home’s natural light.

Natural sunlight is good for your health

If you juggle work life with family life and a personal life, you know how hard it is to keep your house clean inside and out! Did you know that having natural lighting in your home reduces the amount of harmful bacteria and organisms that can be lurking in all of the dark corners? It’s true! Sunlight is recognized as a natural disinfectant. The light doesn’t penetrate clothing and UV dosage is minimal, but the heat from the sun that is instrumental in preventing bacteria and mold from developing in your home.

 And while it lifts the level of health for your house, it does the same for your body in the following ways:

–  Sunlight has natural healing powers:

–  bone health

–  anti-cancer

–  supports the immune system

–  protects against dementia and brain aging

–  good for losing excess fat

– essential for decreasing symptoms of asthma

–  strengthens teeth

– Sunlight keeps your complexion clear:

 Sunbathing in moderation can be healing for the skin, although we need to be cautious of damaging UV rays. People who traditionally live in tropical climates and adapt to having firmer, stronger, smoother skin, with a complexion usually free of blemishes, pimples and rashes. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders, such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and fungal infections of the skin.

Sunlight suppresses your appetite:

Sunlight suppresses your hunger in two ways: 1. By stimulating melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) production into the pituitary gland; and 2. By stimulating serotonin production and suppressing melatonin production into the pineal gland. It sounds very scientific, but it’s true!

Sunlight improves your circulation:

Sunlight improves blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels in your skin, thus bringing more nutrients and oxygen to your blood cells, red and white. It also keeps the heart healthy by lowering the heart rate and reduces blood pressure.

Sunlight boosts your immune system:

Sunlight encourages the production of white blood cells, which increase with sun exposure, and play a major role in defending the body against infections.

Sunlight helps to balance your body’s hormones:

Sunlight boosts your levels of serotonin – your body’s natural happy hormone! Which is why we feel happier and full of energy when the sun is shining! It’s been shown that exercising outdoors creates more endorphins in the body than exercising indoors – all thanks to the sun!

But wait, there’s more!

Sunlight improves your mood too!!

Research has proven that our levels of serotonin, that vital neurotransmitter in charge of memory, mood, appetite and sleep, decrease in winter. They realized that the one factor that affected their participant’s moods was the amount of sun exposure they had. More sunlight resulted in better moods, while less sunlight lead to symptoms of depression. This kind of depression that stems from a lack of natural light is also referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD or the winter blues – is a depression specifically caused by lack of sunlight), and it’s a very real problem that we all need to be aware of.

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