11 Traditional Remedies Inviting Positive Energy into your Home

There is nothing better than having a positive environment at home or office. With such light and happy energy around, family members can think clearly and make better choices. Few ancient traditional remedies are known to enhance and invite such goods energies while absorbing all the negativity.

Here are 11 such easy tips to drive out negative energy and open the window to positivity.

1.    Lighting incense or dhoop batti as commonly know, purify home.


2.    Open all doors and windows in the morning; let sun rays enter your home. It will drive out negative energy and bring in positive and healthy rays in the home.


3.    Paint your wall in the colour of the sun i.e. Yellow. This colour is believed to bring in positive energy in the home.


4.    Never keep broken stuff in your home, remove the broken pieces or send them for repair without any delay.


5.    Keep your home free from cluster; tidier the room, greater the habitation of good energy.


Must Read: Quit these 5 Lazy Habits for a Cleaner Home

6.     Make cleansing crystal part of your home décor, not only they will add glamor to your home but will cleanse it as well.


7.    Use organic orange essential oil; spray it once in awhile. It is known to absorb negative energy. Plus its refreshing scent will revive your mood.


8.    Avoid using furniture pieces with sharp edges, rather opt for round ones.


9.    Mirror reflects light and thus enhances positivity in the home. But remember to follow mirror vastu while making them part of your décor.


10.  Sage leaves are used since the ancient times to drive out negative energy. Burn dry sage leaves, while thinking good for your home.


11.  Ring a bell. This practice will surely refresh your childhood memories, when after puja our grannies used to go around the entire home ringing the temple bell.


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