7 Things Every First Time Home Buyer Must Know


As a first time home buyer, it is very important to keep up and not loose hope. As it is very tough to find the perfect home. On an average, a home buyer sees around twenty homes before finding the ideal space.


It’s very important to scrutinize what can be your potential home. See if it has all the aspects you ever wanted, prefer apartments with optimum sunlight, ventilation and greenery.

Must Read: Taking care of your well-being with optimum sunlight @ Trimurty’s Ariana

In Jaipur, Trimurty apartments are embedded with these awesome and necessary features.


When going out looking for a home, keep all necessary documents handy at one place. It usually consists of bank statements, tax returns statements, pay stubs, details of last landlord and more.


It will be in your favor both financially and health wise to invest/opt for a green home. The reasons can be read here. Also, remember to buy energy efficient appliances for you home.

Must Read: Why investing in Green Home is Profitable?

Analyse & compare

Compare your options, divide the cost of the home/apartment options per sq/ft. It’ll help you see the cost per usable space.


See to it that the apartment is located in a good locality like Jagatpura in Jaipur. It should be well connected to all important city spots like schools, colleges, banks, and shopping centers.

Must Read: Trimurty’s Ariana @ Jagatpura, Jaipur’s New Property Hub

See for approvals

When finalizing the deal, see for it that the developer has got all necessary government approvals.

In case of Trimurty, their premium luxury apartment ARIANA is receiver per-certification from IGBC. It is a platinum rated green homes project.






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