For Chikungunya Free Home, Keep Mosquitoes at Bay

Mosquito born diseases like Chikungunya, Dengue and Malaria, are at the spread these days and have become a major reason of tension and chaos for many Indian households. In situations like these, it becomes necessary to keep one’s home as clean as possible and opt for remedies that’ll help keep mosquitoes at bay.

Apart from adopting for through home cleaning routine, it becomes necessary to opt for natural remedies (free from harsh chemicals) that do not have any adverse affect one’s health.

Below are mentioned some tips that’ll help you, and you home get rid of the mosquitoes –


1. Plant Tulsi at your home. It has unique medical properties that mosquitoes find hard to breed in.

2.  Lemon scent serves as a mosquito repellent. Use lemon juice and detergent mix on a daily basis to clean your home.


3.  Neem oil when mixed with coconut oil serves as one of the best mosquito repellent lotions. Also, you can burn neem oil in a lamp; it makes the air unfit for mosquitoes to breed.


4. Burn camphor and shut all the door and windows for some time, it helps to repel mosquitoes.


5. Essential oil creates harsh breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Add a few drops of citronella essential oil in mopping bucket or a spray bottle with water and use it on a regular basis.

6. If you have a garden area in or around your home, see that it doesn’t have cans, bottles, coconut shells or like in which water can get collected.

7. If you have a swimming pool, take a note that it gets cleaned regularly.


8. Don’t litter in the open, opt for garbage bins with cover.

9. Lavender and tea tree essential oils can be used to clean kitchen top and the similar area as they too have antibacterial properties.

10. Potential water stagnant area like air-con duct, trays beneath the plant and overhead tank should be cleaned and checked on a timely basis.

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