Don’t Ignore these Vastu Faults When Planning to Buy a Home

Vastu plays a significant role in Indian home buying regime. But each time it is not possible to find a home that 100% comply with the Vastu commands. As no matter how hard you try, a house or an apartment will always have some aspects or elements opposing this ancient study of construction.

So, the big question is – What are the Vastu factors that cannot be ignored? And secondly is there any solution to these conflicting aspects?

According to leading Vastu experts a home or apartment should at least obey 70 to 80 percent of Vastu norms. If that is not the case, it may cause a problem in the health, minds and life of the occupants. Also, in the event of flats or duplex housing style, one should only be concerned about his floor or apartment and ignore another person possession.

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Here are some Vastu norms that Trimurty follows and recommends to be followed while going forward with the home buying transaction –

1.  Avoid house that face south and  south-west direction

2. See that no corner is being cut, i.e. all four corners of the plot/flat should be intact

3.  Houses with entry from north, east, west, north-west and north-east are considered best

4.  Avoid homes with kitchen facing north-east and south-west direction

5. Homes with toilets in north-east direction are not favoured. They should always face north-west direction.

6. Master bedroom should not face south-east direction. Rather south-west direction is considered better.

7.  Take a note that staircase are in north-east direction and clockwise

8.  Remember to check mirror Vastu, when using them in home decor

Solution to Vastu Faults 

Usually while construction of a home/apartment 60 to 70 percent of Vastu norms are followed ; rest are forgone as adherence to all will lead to a sacrifice of substantial carpet area.  But it is not an issue to worry about as faults can be corrected using virtual balancing and modern and traditional corrections techniques. These correction methods mostly are inexpensive and take use of elements like special metallic wires, mirrors, energy pyramids, depending upon the requirement.

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