#EARHTDAYMONTH – Tips to be Closer to Nature at Home

Earth Day might be over but the earth needs time and we have to pour in lot of efforts to bring things back on track. Here is our small effort to contribute a bit on earth and its improvement.

Turn it off

Ensure judicious and if possible, minimum usage of devices and appliances that form a large percentage of your energy consumption, including air conditioner, computers and printers. Create a conducive environment by allowing natural light to enter the room. Keep the doors and vents of unused rooms closed. Open the windows regularly to allow cross-ventilation.

Insulate & do it yourself

This would facilitate lowering of energy usage by up to 30 per cent. Insulation makes best use of sunlight. Some do-it-yourself (DIY) steps include plastic cover or a draft stopper which restricts cold air. Installing overhangs and retractable awnings blocks sunlight from enters the house, thereby facilitating energy conservation. High-performance windows, screens and films help saving energy while also protecting the furnishings from the ultraviolet or UV rays.

It’s time to change

Incorporating energy efficient appliances and fixtures could help you save significantly on your electricity bill. If you are tight on budget, start incorporating one by one. Begin with LED bulbs, then move on to bigger appliances. These appliances are known to reduce energy use by up to 75 per cent.

Proof the roof 

Roofing with reflective coating will minimise the amount of heat entering the house and will decrease the strain on the air-conditioner.

MUST READ: Green Home Benefits 

Dry them out!

Make your own DIY clothing line at home for air-drying the clothes. This makes for a practical way of saving energy by ensuring minimum usage of a washing machine’s dryer.

Cover & cook

Closing the lid of pans and pots is known to cook quicker as it prevents heat to escape. This will help save energy, as less of fuel will be used if using a gas stove and electricity in case of an induction.

Cold water only

Did you know the water heater in your HOME is one the appliances that consume heavy electricity? Try to consume cold water in activities like laundry, cleaning utensils, cars, or even floors. Thus, cutting down the heavy usage of water heater, and in turn lower electricity bills.

MUST READ: Why investing in green home is profitable? 

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