# Greenliving -Ten Ways to Go Green with House Hold Items 

Trimurty believes in sustainable development that includes green construction along with best living conditions and modern amenities. As we are doing our part towards the environment we thought of suggesting some tips that can be easily adopted in a household,thus preserving the nature.

Here are ten items that we use on daily biases ending up in trash that otherwise can be saved back and used.This has two-fold use,first you’ll be contributing less trash to the environment and second creating something useful for home.

Also Read: Nature at your doorsteps @ Trimurty’s Ariana

Plastic & glass jars

Bought a bottle of chocolate milk power for your kid, or bought a jar of packed rice? Well, once the condiments are used these jars could come handy. Reuse these for storage in your kitchen. Interestingly, the smaller jars are handy to store Indian masalas. But make sure you don’t use one jar for long, keep rotating them after every six months.

These could also be used to plant small herbs in your kitchen, all you need to do is cut off their top.

Tin cans

Tin cans could be used as flower holders and even attractive desk organisers. All you need to do is use your creativity and paint those tin cans in bright colours to give them an identity.

Also, empty tin cans could be used as candle moulds if you are into candle making.


You can use your stack of old newspapers to start a wood fire during winters. Or if you have kids at home, use these newspapers for a art-and-craft routine and create some handy paper bags or even pen stands.


Your old toothbrush might appear grimy but that is just perfect for cleaning tiles, sink and even silver or brassware.

Save on your scrubbing pads and use them for cleaning all those hard-to-reach gaps and corners.

Plastic bags

Every year used plastic bags contribute to millions of tons of non- degradable waste. So don’t just discard yours unless you are sure that they will be recycled.

Prepare a comfortable pillow for your pet by stuffing old plastic bags in an old pillow case.

You can also use them as temporary gloves when cleaning your bathroom.


Even after becoming outdated, tattered or damaged, books still have so much purpose.

From covers to pages, old books can make fabulous décor, hideaway boxes, planters and so much more.

Old t-shirts

Old, soft cotton t-shirts make the best all-purpose rags. They can be used for dusting, cleaning counters, washing cars and lot more.

If you have a creative streak, you could also use them for a number of clothing projects like fabric painting.

Egg crates


Store some plastic and cardboard egg racks and you have got a new way to store your jewellery. Keep your necklaces untangled and rings organized in a cool way.

Empty egg crates can make excellent paint palettes and an effective storage for small household items.

Or create a wall hanging for your living room. Quirky, isn’t it?

Bubble wrap

Rather than using newspapers to wrap boots and bags to keep their shape, try using a bubble wrap.

You can line your fruit basket or container with bubble wrap before leaving it in the refrigerator. This will cushion your fruits and veggies and prevent it from getting bruised.

Also, keep your crockery and other breakable items safe in these when stored.

Cardboard cartons

A cardboard carton can be cut, bent, painted and configured in almost any way you want.

You can use these cartons to store all your household odds, laundry, etc. if you plan to relocate or travel you can simply pack your things in them for an easy transition.

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