Indoor Plants That Purify Air & Require Minimal Care

Indoor plants are good to look at and also serve various other purposes. They not only give that left out corner of your home a lively look but also portraits you as a nature lover. But do you know that some of these plants do much more than that and act as natural air purifier supplying fresh air to your family constantly, thus maintaining a healthy environment within. This fact is not just on paper but is supported by many studies that shows some of these plants help eliminating up to 89 percent of VOCs like xylene and formaldehyde from the air.

Must Read: Stylish ways to integrate plants in your home decor

Here we have mentioned five such plants a.k.a natural air purifiers that you can place in your home with a surety to have your very own supply of  fresh, clean air to breath.


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Easy to grow, easy to find. Palm trees are extremely popular amongst plant lovers thanks to its hardy nature and distinguishing looks. Talking about its air purifying skills, palm targets impurities like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and benzene.

Water – Not much

Light – Lots of sunlight

Others – Likes warmth


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Next green to feature in our list is a plant that has lived since the prehistoric times. We are talking about ferns that attracts many with its soft and complex leaves. This bushy plant purifies air from pollutants like xylene and toluene that are found in items like glues, paints and nail polishes.

Water – High

Light – Indirect

Others – Loves humidity

3. Bamboo

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Who isn’t aware of the ‘luck giving’ plant, bamboo. Available in varied shape and sizes bamboo usage over the year has seen massive increase, thanks to interior decorators and vaastu gurus. But scientifically too bamboo’s presence is considered good in a home, as it helps air inside getting rid of harmful elements like trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde.

Water – Moderate

Light – Indirect and bright

Others – Natural humidifier

4. Dracaena Plant

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Also know as ‘Song of India’, dracaena plant is easy to recognise all thanks to its yellow, lime and telltale green leaves. These plants are easy to grow as they require low water and sunlight. It absorbs undesirable elements like xylene, toluene and formaldehyde from the air.

Water – Not much

Light – No direct sunlight

Others – Hard to kill,tolerates irregular watering

5. Aloe Vera

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The last plant to feature on our list is aloe vera that is also known for its massive health and beauty benefits. The said plant has one more hidden attribute that many are not aware of and that’s its air purifying skills. Aloe Vera is best know to remove formaldehyde from the air.

Water – Moderate

Light –  Low heat, full sun

Others – Medical and beauty benefits

Must Read: Make your Apartment Greener with Indoor Plants

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