Infused with Elderly Care Designing Elements, Trimurty Ariana

 Trimurty Builders have been in the real estate business for over twenty-one years. The projects undertaken by them are counted amongst Jaipur’s known landmarks and are a home to countless satisfied and happy families.

But in a market that’s filled with so many developers, what distance Trimurty from the rest? The points of superiority are many, ranging from quality to reliance, but today we are going to talk about an aspect that many few developers are seen to take note of and bringing into practice.

It’s the care and dedication for the elder members of the society. They might not be as updated as the younger generations but hold an experience that’s valuable and holds integral life lessons. These experience holders, are full of enthusiasm and love but need that little extra caring hand.

Giving your loved ones, that extra care, and a healthy environment to live in, Trimurty is proud to present, Trimurty’s Ariana, a premium residential project, situated at Jaipur’s fastest growing and well-connected locality Jagatpura.

Here’s a list of amenities that are added in the design making Arians an age-friendly residential project –

1.   Abundance of Green & Open Space

Trimurty’s Ariana is a pre-certified Platinum Rated Green Home Project by IGBC. It has approx. 74% green and open space ensuring a healthy, positive and full of oxygen environment. Such great environment is well suggested by doctors and is known to improve health.

With Ariana, you won’t need to travel to a hill station to be close to nature, as have brought nature to you right at your doorstep.

 2.   Innovative Design

It’s easy to get an apartment that’s all modern and stylish but the design that takes into note easy accessibility by all ages is one that outshines. At Trimurty’s Ariana, you’ll get to enjoy a modern lifestyle that your parents and grandparents can get involved in fully.

 3.   Accessibility by All

Doors at Arian are wheelchair accessible. Now elders won’t be devoid of any fun and enjoyment, and the family will have no second thought about their maneuverability.

We know, it’s best when the entire family is together!

 4.   Arthritis Friendly Design

Age brings along making things, good and bad. With years of experience and wisdom, also enters ailments that these days have got stapled themselves with old-age. Arthritis is one painful joint disease that hampers daily activates and movements. Also, to doctor’s aid, Trimurty’s arthritis friendly design will ease movement and try and life bit better.

 5.   Anti-Skid

Another smart step taken up by our architects and designers is the integration of anti-skid tiles. These tiles will make life and movement safe not only for elder members of our home but all.

 Must Read – Nature at your doorstep @ Trimurty’s Ariana 


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