Make your home EID ready via easy & essential tips

The holy occasion of EID is finally upon us, and so it calls for a celebration. It’s that time of the year when we invite family and friends over and share love and happiness on this joyous festival. But apart from that, it has other deeper connections leading towards compassion, spirituality, and self-control.
Wrapping up these heavy thoughts and coming back to celebration, décor & feast. One should remember to prep their home and make it Eid ready.

Here we are helping you with the same, coz at Trimurty we believe in the power of diversity and are more than happy to share insightful views on how to make a home EID ready.

Starting off with some simple decorating tips that won’t consume much time and are pocket-friendly as well. Door hangers will be the first décor tips that will greet your guest as they arrive at your place, plus it gets the festive mood started at the arriving point itself. Colourful door hangers in vibrant colours are available on the market or with so many online DIY videos you can create one quickly.

Next up, to add glam & charm to your Eid celebration is hanging glitter moon and stars, hang then on the ceiling and see the magic it creates. Go for embroiled bed sheets, table cloths, runners, or curtains all in vibrant, festive colors it’ll make you a trendsetter and set your home apart. Floating candles, candle centerpieces and like can also to add, enhance the Eid glamour.

In addition to this decoration, don’t forget that Eid also calls for sorting the clutter both in your home and relationships. We being the expert at the home making front can guide on how you can welcome positivity in your home and make peace & happiness permanent residents.

Sort all your old belongings – books, clothes, stationery, kitchen utensils. Discard the things that have been damaged and are of no use. The ones in the better condition can be handed over to the needs. Your kitchen is next important place after the worship space, keep it clean & healthy. Remove all expired products, broken jars & utensils, get the long overdue repair work done.

Lastly, before your guest start to arrive ensure that all fans, lights and air-conditioning system are properly functioning. Because nothing should hamper the lavish Eid feast & celebration!!

Eid Mubarak!



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