Next Phase, The health benefits living in a of Green Building –

The financial benefits of green building have been well established. Studies have repeatedly shown green building certification such as IGCB lead to lower operating costs, such as reduced utility bills and lower total lifecycle costs.

Check-out: Trimurty’s Ariana, a Pre-Certified Platinum Rated Green Home

Another business benefit: building owners report seeing increase in the value of their green buildings compared to traditional buildings.

 The next phase of green building: healthier buildings that improve occupant wellness.

  • Better for the environment. They incorporate features like day lighting, which decreases electricity use, and low volatile organic compound paints and glues, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Better for their human inhabitants. Day lighting — using natural light and direct sunlight — improves workers’ health, happiness and productivity. And LOW-VOC products means building occupants aren’t exposed to these chemicals that can irritate eyes and cause central nervous system damage.
  • Trend towards better design, healthier buildings improve occupants wellness. Green healthier buildings drive business benefits for building owners, developers, managers and investors.

Green buildings continue to show benefits including being healthier for the environment, healthier for human inhabitants and saving — and making — money for owners.

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