Rain Check – Time to Prep your Home for Monsoon

Everyone loves enjoying this rainy weather by sitting at their window still, sipping on a cup of steaming hot cup of tea.

But have you done the monsoon check to prevent your house from bearing the brunt of this harsh season? It’s never too late to start. We give you some useful pointers.

– If you have fancy carpets adorning the floors of your rooms, it’s best to roll them up, put them in plastic sheets and store them someplace dry. The damp rainy weather will ruin them. You can replace your carpets with bamboo mats.

– Wooden furniture also suffers because of the high moisture in the air, so stow it away. If you have a leather couch, you need to take special care of it.

– If you notice that in spite of shutting your windows tightly, rain water is still seeping in, fix a rubber lining between the sliding of the window. This will seal any gaps.

 – If you have any potted plants inside the house, shift them outside as they have a tendency to increase the dampness in the house. You can invest in artificial plants for your interiors.

– Keep Neem leaves and cloves in your cupboard or between your clothes. They will keep insects at bay.

– Don’t allow any kind of water to stagnate inside or around the house, as stagnant water is a ready breeding ground for mosquitoes.

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