Regular Project Update to Home Buyers, A Must for Trust

As a home buyers who has invested his life long savings in his dream home asking for regular updates and a bit of involvement in the project is noting wrong to ask. But only a few builders seem to oblige.

It’s one of the most common problem that buyers of under-construction properties have is the restriction to visit the site in the name of security issues. Many developers don’t care to sent a regular project updates and many a times consumer status enquirers mails go unnoticed for months. This issue reflects a common scenario, where, after investing their lifetime’s savings, home buyers are merely expected to sit and wait. However, amidst a slowing market and with greater awareness, today’s end-user buyers are demanding more involvement during the construction life cycle of the project.

The question is, to what extent can involving the buyer bridge the trust deficit in the sector?

We at Trimurty believe that keeping customer regularly updated and solving all their quires can is a big way concerts the developer-buyer relationship. Plus it’s very important to respect the sentiments of the consumer who is trusting you with his dream home.


Anand Mishra, MD Trimurty Builders says that developers should strive to deepen  customer relationships. This goes a long way towards nation building and meeting the demand for homes. By engaging constantly with our customers, we try to understand the changes in their requirements and act accordingly.

Trimurty Builders is among the handful of developers, who have taken the lead to involve the buyers, do understand the benefits of relationship management with the buyers.

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