Tips for a Dust Free Home

Living in a state like Rajasthan is great. It is developing, have great industrial and employment potential and is the tourist hub of India. But like very good is accompanied by a bad, here people have to tolerate with the the issue of dust.

Now, dust is present everywhere and is not restricted to a state but being the desert state, Rajasthan has more of on offer. Below you’ll find few useful tips that’ll help you keep your home clean and dust free.

1. Have a NO shoe rule 
Shoes contain all kind of germs and dust. It is advisable to remove the shoes before one enters the house. Be it your kids, husband or even guests, the rule should be for all, applied on all. One can install  shoe cabinet or even assign a separate corner for this purpose.  At the same place you can keep some slippers that can be used indoors.

You can have heavy-duty fiber doormat, they trap good amount of dust and dirt from the shoes. Remember to clean it at least once a week.

2. Reduce the number of items, keep it clutter-free
Do not fill your home, REMEMBER the more items you’ll have the more they attract and accumulate dust.  Too much of furniture. accessories or ornamental objects  is a big no-no.  Regularly get rid of old newspaper and magazines as they  attract dust & block space

3. Regular cleanup 
For a clean dust-free home, one must have a regular cleaning schedule. The floors should be mopped at least twice a day, if possible. Use micro fiber cloth  for cleaning and dusting, as it is known to attract dust particles. Lastly, take a not that  you use good environment-friendly cleaning supplies that reduce any kind of bacterial-growth.

4. Carpets problem
One of the major component causing accumulation of dust in our homes is CARPET’S. They look good and also create an elegant look and feel, but what they also do is trap dust and later on release  invisible puffs every time someone walks on them.

5. Air Purifiers
Now a days air purifiers have become the new must have items in home. They claim to provide clean air that is fit for us to breathe. But how about living is a home that has 24*7, round the clock supply of clean air. Sounds nice!! Well Trimurty Ariana offers approx. 74% green and open space that ensures constant supply of clean air to your home.

As for the dust that you will have to bare and clean.

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